It isn’t about the book. (Though I would love for you to buy Spiritual Nutrition: Healthy Eating for the Christian Heart, read it and pass it on.) It isn’t about food. It isn’t even about spiritual disciplines.

It’s about you. It’s about us—the church. The church that Jesus Christ had in mind—The Body of Christ, that would continue his work in this fallen world.

It’s about breaking out of comfort, safety, the status quo, the easy life of the local church. It’s about leaving the security of “going to church”, a place where the world can’t get in.

I’d call this blog “Exploding the Church” if I didn’t think I would get investigated by someone. I have a radical vision but I am not interested in spending some of my life being interrogated. But my dream, my vision, is that the “church” as that building down the street, that club that meets on Sunday morning, would explode, shatter its boundaries and scatter its life upon the world.

The releasing of the church into the world can only happen one way. With you. With the inner fire provided by the Holy Spirit to release your gifts on the world. Spiritual Nutrition is about beginning the process with you. About making Jesus the center of your life not just a part of your life.

And exploding the life of Jesus out of your life into the world.

Spiritual Nutrition By Christine Prescott

Spiritual Nutrition: Healthy Eating for the Christian Heart focuses on the development of healthy spiritual habits by identifying five core spiritual nutrients and comparing them to their physical counterparts:

•Prayer is like water-vital for life and essential for survival.
•Bible study is like protein necessary for growth.
•Christian fellowship is like carbohydrates-gives us energy.
•Worship is like healthy fats-helps keep our hearts healthy.
•Thinking on good things is like vitamins-necessary for helping the othernutrients work effectively.

Visit Author Christine Prescott at her site, Your Spiritual Nutrition

Author Christine Prescott

I was born in McMinnville, Oregon and lived in Portland, Oregon, La Mirada, California and McMinnville, Oregon. My career dream was to be a geologist. My B.S. is from the University of Oregon. GO DUCKS!! Although I nearly graduated with a degree in English, I changed at the last minute to Elementary Education. A week after graduation I was married and we moved to Coos Bay, Oregon. I was a substitute teacher until beginning law school in 1975. I attended Lewis & Clark Northwestern School of Law in Portland, Oregon. I found law school to be an exercise in swimming upstream. (Really? Help people? Loud laughter.)

At times it felt like swimming in a sewer. After several months of researching whether “Christian lawyer” was an oxymoron for me, I was invited to share an office in Cedar Mill, Oregon. For the next ten years I practiced community law (wills, family law, landlord/tenant, business). My favorite area was criminal defense, especially trial work. I also worked for 2 ½ years as a public defender.

In 1978 I was called to prison chaplaincy. During seminary, I knew that I was being called to pastoral ministry. (NO. No way.) I did a year of volunteer/clinical work at the Multnomah County Detention Center. And I accepted the call to pastoral ministry.

During the next 12 years, I served four churches as pastor in Oregon, Indiana and Montana. I had many opportunities to speak at local, state and national gatherings.

I also worked as a cashier at Meijer and a Reader’s Advisory Librarian in Carmel, Indiana. I completed my first quilt and played violin in the Carmel Symphony.

I currently have a job that uses all my gifts and experience: hospital chaplain. I know every time I go to work I am going to make a difference in someone’s life.

My volunteer work includes being a trustee on the Missoula Public Library board. I helped start the Church Relations team for Habitat for Humanity, Missoula. I love books and am a member of the Missoula Calligrapher’s Guild.

And now, I am an author. I plan to have as much fun as I can learning how to publicize my book, Spiritual Nutrition: Healthy Eating for the Christian Heart, which will include, I hope, a speaking ministry. I am at work on a follow-up book, Spiritual Bodybuilding: When You're Ready for More.

©2009 -2010 Christine Prescott

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